Monday, September 17, 2007

Uncontrollable Laughter: a tribute to my friend Joy

My parents came to visit this weekend. One night we sat around (like we usually do) and reminisced about some missionaries and their families. I took a walk down memory lane that night as I remembered my best friend from boarding school, Joy. We don't talk anymore, not by my choice, but I couldn't help but remember and smile about the times that we used to laugh.

Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried and/or peed your pants? Have you ever been in a serious situation, where you were supposed to be quiet, but you broke out in uncontrollable laughter--the seriousness of the situation made you laugh harder? That was Joy and I. We would be in church, Sunday School, Class or a dorm meeting and these kicks of uncontrollable laughter would take hold. We would just look at each other, know what the other was thinking and burst into laughter.

I remember one such occasion at lunch in our dining hall. We ate lunch as a whole school, family style. Joy and I got into one of those laughing moods and couldn't stop. Someone asked me to pass them the peas and for some reason that was hilarious to me and I spewed my mouthful of food all in front of me, which made us laugh harder. Another time, Joy was attacked by a very small monkey (BTW, monkeys are not cute, they are evil!)as it jumped from a tree limb onto her head and started to bite her ear, in which it proceeded to bite off her earing and store it in his cheek--what in the world? As I observed, I couldn't believe what was happening, but also couldn't stop laughing long enough to call for help.

I miss those moments of uncontrollable laughter. It always felt so good, so freeing! I rarely laugh like that now, maybe it's because life is not as care free as it used to be-I have to act like an adult now. Or maybe it's because I haven't clicked with anyone like I did with Joy. Who knows, but I miss you Joy. I hope that one day we can laugh like this together again...


Meredith Uber said...

I have a friend like that, our laughter goes back to middle school. I think that's where uncontrollable laughter starts! It is the best, it is hard to resurrect it these days. But it can't be manufactured either!
Hey your blog spurred me to start mine again. I gave you a little shout out too :)

Rachel said...

middle school indeed. perhaps it's one of the only redeemable thing about those times! my friend andrea and i used to laugh like that all the time. out at restaurants where we couldn't get it together enough to answer simple questions from the server. in the classroom- where definitely we could read each other's minds and laugh like that together seemingly out of nowhere. or worse, on the track... lots of pee in those little shorts caused quite a problem! i miss those moments too. i still pee on myself all the time, but not b/c of laughter. it's from from the 2 "enhanced" heads i birthed!

Melissa said...

how about in a funeral?! my friend, blair and i got quite a few glares about that. it always seems that the most inappropriate place to lose it, is the hardest place to contain it. i'm sure there's an analogy in that somewhere.

Marshall Benbow said...

Maybe you don't laugh like that anymore because your husband is such a meanie.

Marshall Benbow said...

Incidentally, sweetie, I did find Joy on facebook. Love - marsh