Monday, April 6, 2009

"Morning Frog"

One of my friend's little girl calls fog, "frog." It makes so much sense to me, when I think about my morning self. I am NOT a morning person. I'm not really a night person either, or an afternoon person. I just like to sleep and cannot seem to get enough, ever.

I don't set my alarm in the morning. Jacob is our alarm. He hollers when he wakes up. There's no snuggling in the bed until he goes back to sleep. So this is how I wake up every morning. I hear hollering somewhere far away. Then I hear footsteps (more like elephant stomps) down the hallway as the girls wake up to Jacob's hollers. They feel the need to come and tell me that he's awake. Now, I may not always be mean and snappy, but I sure am non-responsive, irritable and "croaky." My poor children know a different person from wake-up time until about 9:00, at the earliest. I sort of croak out, "what do you want for breakfast?" Usually Eliza cannot understand me and so I have to repeat myself over and over, which ends up coming out harshly.

I do pray sometimes before my feet hit the floor. I ask the Lord to give me strength to love my children this early in the morning. But somehow from the bedroom to the kitchen my resentment comes alive. I don't want to be bothered. I want to get up when I want to get up. I'm not rested enough and it's my right to get what I think is enough sleep. So leave me alone and stop bugging me. Why can't you get your own breakfast? This is what's going on in my head and unfortunately in my heart. Then I get a sweet hug and kiss and "morning, mommy." Jacob says, "Hi, mommy, mommeeee!" I'm able to muster a hug and kiss back, but that's about all I can give.

So what needs to change? I know some would say, "go to bed earlier." Although that's great advice, I feel the same whether I get 6 hours or 9 hours. It's something of my flesh that needs to die, but I find it so hard to battle the flesh in the morning. I try to yield to the Holy Spirit, but that takes my effort, which is hard for me to muster up. So, to those of you who also suffer from "morning froggyness", I remember Jesus words, "if anyone should come after me, she must deny herself daily (or first thing in the morning), then take up her cross (first thing in the morning) and follow me! Denying myself in the morning would mean, give up my rights to what I want to do, which is sleep. It means to put the needs of my children before my own. It means responding to them in love. I can only do this by "taking up my cross" which is to remember that "I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." After I have made the effort to deny my "rights" and to remember that Christ is doing this through me, then I can react "in Christ." Only then can I love my children and care for them through my "morning frog." I pray that we can do this together.


Melissa said...

great post, girl. it is so true how much we battle to let His life come through us. we can ALL identify!! thanks for your realness.

Caroline said...

This is so what I've been experiencing lately. Wesley has woken up in the middle of the night several nights in a row asking to be rocked. I told him lovingly (but firmly) that it wasn't time to rock, but it was time to sleep. Then he's up yelling "Mommyyyyyyyy" at 7am and the last thing I want to do is drag my pregnant butt out of bed. It totally is a flesh fight. I need some bigger boxing gloves.

Caroline said...

The boxing gloves would be for me and my flesh, not for my child. Just thought I'd clarify that.

Whitney Hannam said...

Hey Diane, love this post and I love the new blog layout! You are a great writer!

Hope to bump into you soon!
