Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm Changing my Name!

For the past week or so I've heard, "Mama" thousands of times. Not in a happy voice, but a whiny voice with arms lifted up. Another word that's been uttered too many times is "Bupa," which translates to "up." I don't know what happened to my sweet, laid-back little boy. We went to the beach two weeks ago and someone switched him out with this whiny, needy, temper tantrum throwing, mama name-calling little guy.

One night last week when all the kids were down, except Jacob, who was still screaming in his bed, I just gave up. I felt so out of control and overwhelmed. I felt a gentle tug from my Father to spend some time with Him, which I did. The scripture that came to my mind for this experience was from James 1. Sometimes I want to rip this page out of my Bible or clock the next "James" that comes my way. But, really, I need to be reminded of this scripture all the time. "Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds."

Who WANTS to face trials??? Of course we don't want to, necessarily, but that's the point. It's in our weakest moments that we cry out for help and God is waiting to use the experience for our benefit. He uses it to help us persevere through His strength, which builds character and character builds maturity. I definitely want to grow in maturity in Christ, so if that means "suffering," then bring it on! That's what Paul says, "when I am weak, then You are strong (in me)." This means that when I am at a loss and I look to Christ for help and allow His strength to work through me, then WOW!

"I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me..." Philippians 4:13. The key point being "through Christ" and not "all things," because if we are doing things through Christ, then we would be doing all the right things. So, I can deal with hearing, "Mama!!!" 1,000 times a day and love my little "monster" through Christ's strength, and His alone. After my change of heart, I've decided not to change my name, I actually now enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wounded Soldiers

I clean a Barber Shop once a week. I know the thought of being around hair grosses some people out, but what I experienced Monday morning before 7:00 AM was much worse than hair! I usually empty the trash cans first. I was in the kitchen emptying the big can when I saw it....staring at me with one of it's beady eyes, body limp. I positioned the big can in front of poor Mickey, so I would not have to feel guilty about his demise all morning.

As I took the trash outside, I lifted the lid of the big can and a very large "indestructible" gawked at me with his antennae and then scurried under some paper and bottles, out of sight. Thank goodness. I returned to the kitchen to find yet another very large roach scurry across the floor. What in the world???? Do I get paid enough to encounter such critters?

That was not the end of it! Later, I was vacuuming and I saw friend #3 and he didn't scurry away, but challenged me to a fight. Out of pure panic that he just might attack, I whacked him with the end of the vacuum. Not once, not twice, but three times, until I saw some proof that he was dead.

I couldn't clean him up then, I would need a whole roll of paper towels and time to prepare myself (BTW, did I ever tell you that I grew up in Africa? land of poisonous snakes, scorpions, lizards, giant spiders and evil monkeys? Yeah, and I'm afraid of a roach...). Later I came back with the wad of paper towels to find a trail of guts, but no roach. THAT, my friends, is why I'm scared of roaches, they're indestructible. I saw him hobble across the floor on his good side. I saluted him and let him go. Kudos to Mr. Roach for surviving the crazy whacking giant. I hope you died in peace, wherever that was.